This website provides downloadable products such as ringtones, animated graphic,color graphic and mobile games. Besides, it also promote Malaysia Handphone, Mobile phone, Prepaid Reload, Prepaid Topup, Logo and so on. The design of this web site is simple and save space, everything arrange needly so user feel comfortable and convenience when serve net. The background of the website is white in colour so it is seem nicer for users. The website advertise latest movie in the right hand site of it. Search engine is available in the website such as or and the font is blue in color. The mobile88 support team encourage users to go for face-to-face transactions of the products.
This website allows users to sell, exchange, search and auction for mobile products such as MP3 player, notebook, digital camera, handphone, PDA, software, camorder and so on. Furthermore, also brief about different kind of magazines such as entertainment, cooking &food, leisure, home garden, computer, fashion/lifestyle, business and more.